Monday, 1 February 2010


Well hello. Aren't you looking mighty fine today.

I'm new to this blogging scene. I don't like the idea of sharing my innermost thoughts and feelings with potentially the rest of the literate world; especially not with the illiterate world as they just wouldn't understand.

So the purpose of this blog is so that I can have written down somewhere, what I get up to as I travel across America with my flatmate Duncan. Planning, organising and then taking part in a 2-3 month travelling expedition across America is of course the next logical step for a 26-year old with 2 undergraduate university degrees and in the middle of a Masters course.
I'm sure it will be a great adventure which, upon ending, will signal the start of the real world to differing extents for us both.

Perhaps you're thinking that 2 undergraduate degrees and a Masters are not too excessive, but when you realise I've spent almost 9 years at university in Aberdeen and that they are in Geography, Sports and Exercise Science, and now Human Nutrition, you may start to realise that I've no clear career direction in mind.

I've had 3 visits to America before, and each time I have been staying with friends and families and experiencing family life American style. I have always defended America from over here in Scotland. I find Americans warm and friendly, happy-to-help kind of people and I am looking forward to seeing whether a whistle-stop tour of non-family life across the states renders me more of a fan of America's people or America's places.

I'll keep you updated on our thoughts, our planning, and our proposed route as and when we finally get round to finalising.

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