Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Providential clumsiness

While studying away in the lounge yesterday evening, I heard an almighty bang from upstairs. Probably just Duncan standing up too quickly and smacking his head off the roof - not normally something to worry about, but in this instance anything was more interesting than reading up on the ins and outs of dealing with confounding factors in epidiomological study design...

Semi-expecting to be greeted by a bleeding corpse with a massive dent in its head at the top of the stairs, it turns out that in turning round too quickly Duncan had knocked his printer over and as it fell to pieces, out fell his passport. He'd been looking for it for a few weeks now and no stone had been left unturned. But thanks to his oaf-ish clumsiness, he now not only has a broken printer, but a valid passport too!

Another step toward getting us closer to America!

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