However, we have given our journey 3 legs fitting round the main dates of our travel - buying a car (26th/27th August); being in Tampa, Florida for Peter's wedding (18th September); being in Los Angeles for Eilidh arriving (9th October); being in Seattle, Washington for Eilidh flying home (21st October); being out of USA by 24th October. These dates are cast in iron, apart from my arrival date, but in between we are fairly open to changing our route - but these places are where just now we'd like to visit.
Leg 1: 27th August - 18th September (Cleveland, OHIO - Tampa, FLORIDA)
- approximately 4,071 miles.
Stopping off in Detroit, Mackinaw City, Minneapolis, Omaha, Pella, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Washington DC, Richmond, Lexington, Nashville, Atlanta.
Leg 2: 20th September - 9th October (Tampa, FLORIDA - Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA)
- approximately 3,535 miles.
Stopping off in New Orleans, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Albuquerque, Mexican Hat, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Death Valley, Manteca, Yosemite, Bakersfield.
As for the final leg, we've not got round to that yet, but we hope to take Highway One, up the Big Sur through California.
Exciting times!
ahhhh sounds amazing!!