Friday, 10 September 2010

The Mid-west

As we're still limited to the phone this won't be a long post; just a brief overview of the basics. Both alive? Yes. States covered? 11 (Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York). Miles done? 2780 at present.

Having bought our car we travelled north on day 1 through Michigan and had a wonderful afternoon on Houghton Lake tubing and speed-boating. We then continued north onto the Upper Peninsula where we had a fantastic day 2 swimming in Lake Michigan in 33C heat before camping on the shore. Day 3 we drove west through Wisconsin, sampled some crazy cheese with beer in it before arriving in St Paul, Minnesota where we had a lovely drive/tour round downtown.

Day 4 lead us due south through S. Dakota and to Omaha, Nebraska. Day 5 and we visited Omaha Zoo and then to state capital Lincoln where sweetcorn flavour and maple + bacon flavoured ice-cream awaited our arrival, along with some mammoth thunder storms.
Day 6 was a rest day, so Andrew took us to his grandparents house where we ate like Kings and saw lots of old John Deere tractors and corn and got to sit in a combine harvester.

Day 7 we began the big trek east to Pella, Iowa stopping off in Des Moines where we found a great British pub, watched some rugby and ate fish + chips and bangers + mash. That evening, Shayna took us to her college student union where Duncan won a $100 cheque in a college gameshow. Our biggest drive so far was day 8 as we drove through Iowa, Indiana, Illinois and into Ohio where we camped for the night.

Day 9 we made it to Parkside Church, Cleveland and then to our hosts where we relaxed and unwound for 2 days. Being labour day weekend, we were again treated + fed like royalty, much to our delight! Day 11 back on the road and through Pennsylvania to New York where scenery was the most beautiful so far on the road trip, yet roadworks were the worst. A night at Cornell University in Ithica, before day 12 drive into New York city to stay in the Bronx. Today, day 13, was an enjoyable day in Queens at the US Open tennis, representing for Scotland seen as Andy Murray couldn't.

We head south to DC next, then through Blue Ridge mountains to Kentucky and down to Florida via South Carolina.

We've been far too well looked after by friends along the way. They have been very generous and caring, and we've been made to feel very welcome. Our car, recently nick-named Mable the Sable, is trundling along very ably so far, and our Scotland flag still flies proudly. Cruise control has been widely used by us both and we finally got hold of some cds as the radio was starting to grate a little.

We'll update you in a week or so, assuming we don't melt in the Florida sun or get eaten by bears in the mountains!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I've got to ask - were my pals the Gettys at Parkside when you visited?
