Tuesday, 27 July 2010

And then there was only one

As I write this, Duncan will be somewhere between Halifax and Maine with his sister. He begun his journey on Sunday flying from Edinburgh. I don't want to write too much about it as I'm quite jealous really. I have just under 2 weeks to finish my thesis and hand it in in perfect condition.

Asked last week by Ben whether or not we thought we'd get bored of each other or struggle for conversation, we guessed not. Duncan then started talking about someone he'd been chatting to called Helen Moulds. Now I don't know you Helen, but "hi" if you're reading this. "It's not often that someones first name and then surname form a complete sentence" I remarked. Much chuckling ensued from all at the table, but then ceased. However, the next few minutes I spent with Duncan trying to find other names which were actually a sentence which we both thought was quite funny. We failed, but since then came up with Tim Rose and Amy Fell.

It was at this perhaps slightly childish outlook on what was just a name which prompted Ben to suggest that actually there was no chance we'd run out of things to talk about during our 2 month adventure!

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