Thursday, 12 August 2010

Watch this space...

Staff from BAA-operated airports across the UK (Aberdeen included) today announced that workers had voted 3 to 1 in favour of strike action. While less than half of the eligible workers actually cast their vote, it does throw our road-trip up in the air, if only for a few days. At least our trip lasts a long time, rendering 3 or 4 days delay more of a nuisance than a fatal blow, unlike those going on a 7 day package holiday.

A minimum of one week's notice must be given for any strike action and the Union have said they will be meeting on Monday (16th) to discuss a plan of action. So it looks like action could take place from the 23rd of August, but hopefully they will target the August Bank Holiday weekend of the 28th August, allowing me to slip through on the 26th before they close up shop.

Ideally a deal can be struck before too long but it looks ominous. On the up side, no strike action has ever before completely closed BAA airports, so it's a case of watch this space...

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