Tuesday, 24 August 2010

2 days to go!

Hurrah! In 2 days time I will be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean watching some terrible film on a screen the size of a crisp packet.
I finished my Masters course yesterday with my viva exam and having already handed in my thesis and finished my presentation I'm now free to leave!
Thankfully the BAA strikes fell through so I'm good to fly - I leave at 6am from Aberdeen to Amsterdam on Thursday morning and after a couple hours lay-over I'm back in the air again to Detroit. I get in about lunchtime US time, but near bedtime for my body clock.

Much packing/tidying/organising to be done before all of that though.
Next update will be coming from the other side of the pond in America! To those I won't get chance to see before I leave - hope you have a grand couple of months. To those I'll soon be seeing in America - can't wait to catch up!

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